The Benefits of Consolidated Reporting
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Updated 04/03/2024

Reports are an essential part of daily business. For government bureaus handling payments from multiple channels, there are numerous components that need to be monitored, resulting in numerous different reports. Handling these proves challenging as government employees must coordinate across multiple channels and monitor different systems, which can increase the risk of data error. To avoid this, many organizations turn to consolidated reporting.

What is consolidated reporting?

Consolidated reports are user-friendly documents that compile all the information a user needs - any bureau, any type of data. The user queries the system, selects data elements, and runs the report, receiving a single organized, easy-to-read document to review.

How can consolidated reporting help my organization?

Consolidated reporting improves efficiency and quality by having a single report that encompasses key data points for authorized users to review instead of multiple reports. It saves time by eliminating the need to pull data from various sources, and also saves money by ensuring that pertinent, actionable information is easily accessible. In addition, consolidated reports also make it easier for cross-team collaboration, with everyone working from the same data set, thereby reducing the risk of error.

How can my organization get consolidated reporting?

Start by asking your payment processor. Having a payment processor with the ability to adapt to multiple systems of all types is key to creating the ideal consolidated report. Certified Payments can integrate with more than 100 government software service providers to date, and we are adding more each month. We provide consolidated reports that include online, IVR, counter payments, and deposits. We also provide support during and after the integration process to ensure every entity has a smooth transition and optimal operations.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today!